Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Michigan Fireworks Bill

FINALLY! Our long awaited bill (House Bill 5917) was introduced last Thursday in the Michigan House of Representatives by Representative Barb Farrah.

Here is a reminder on the process for a bill to become a law (in case you don’t remember the Saturday morning cartoon song).

Bill Introduction – DONE HB 5917 3/20/08
Referred to Committee – DONE (House Regulatory Reform Committee) 3/20/08
Committee Hearing(s)
Passed out of Committee
Voted on by full House
Moved to the Senate
Referred to Senate Committee
Committee Hearing(s)
Passed out of Committee
Voted on by full Senate
Returned to the House
Enrolled and presented to the Governor
Governor’s Signature or Veto

Robert Kennedy
Capitol Affairs, L.L.C.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Fireworks Bill Is Now Introduced In Michigan

THe new fireworks Bill in Michigan has now been introduced. You can view the Bill at Big Fireworks Home Page .

It was introduced officially in the House today. House Bill 5917 introduced by Rep. Barb Farrah.

Enjoy, James Stajos

March Madness

Today we will be closing the warehouse for March Madness. In observance of this national holiday we will be cheering on the Michigan State Spartans.

Go Green, James Stajos

Friday, March 14, 2008

Michigan Fireworks Bill

Here it is at last...................it's been almost 2 years in the making. The new Michigan Fireworks Bill will be introduced next week in committee. We have worked through over 20 versions of this Bill, this final version has comprimises but I believe it is very solid.

I want to take this opprutunity to thank Andy Webb from Captain Boom. If it wasnt for him this Bill would not even be a possibility. It was Andy that got the ball rolling and helped work on the Bill with us.

This legislation in Michigan will allow for the safe use of fireworks in this state. It will also help the State of Michigan with funding which is badly needed. I hope everyone supports this Bill and makes it a reality.
Thanks, James Stajos

Here is an e-mail sent to me today from our lobbyist (Robert Kennedy).


It will be introduced next week for sure. I have attached a FINAL copy of what will be introduced on our behalf. Once it is introduced we will be pushing for a committee hearing and that is when the real fun begins.


Robert Kennedy
Capitol Affairs, L.L.C.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

BigFireworks Is Now Blogging

I am pleased to announce that Big Fireworks.com has added a blog to our website. There will be weekly contributions from James Stajos, Eric Stajos, Tom Norris and Mark Joesph. We will covering a wide range of topics that concern the fireworks industry.

I will be covering news and events in our company. Eric will mainly be dealing with new products, arrivals, design and packaging. Tom will be giving technical updates as to upgrades to our website, videos and ordering. Mark will give an outsiders perspective on the use of fireworks primarily.

We will be inviting you to submit blogs also, the blogs will be moderated. But we would love to hear your thoughts, comments, feedback and any input. We want to hear everything whether its positive or negative. Hopefully its more positive but its the only way that we can make things better.

Thank You, James Stajos

Warehouse Status

As of March 13th 2008 the warehouse now has 67% of the 2008 product in stock with containers arriving daily. The arrival of the new artillery racks will be in the next couple of weeks. If you would like to be added to the arrival notification list click here Fireworks Arrivals .

With the addition of 150 new BigFireworks products, this should be the best year yet. If you have any questions please feel free to post or e-mail me at mailto:eric@bigfireworks.com .