Friday, March 14, 2008

Michigan Fireworks Bill

Here it is at's been almost 2 years in the making. The new Michigan Fireworks Bill will be introduced next week in committee. We have worked through over 20 versions of this Bill, this final version has comprimises but I believe it is very solid.

I want to take this opprutunity to thank Andy Webb from Captain Boom. If it wasnt for him this Bill would not even be a possibility. It was Andy that got the ball rolling and helped work on the Bill with us.

This legislation in Michigan will allow for the safe use of fireworks in this state. It will also help the State of Michigan with funding which is badly needed. I hope everyone supports this Bill and makes it a reality.
Thanks, James Stajos

Here is an e-mail sent to me today from our lobbyist (Robert Kennedy).


It will be introduced next week for sure. I have attached a FINAL copy of what will be introduced on our behalf. Once it is introduced we will be pushing for a committee hearing and that is when the real fun begins.


Robert Kennedy
Capitol Affairs, L.L.C.

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