Thursday, March 13, 2008

BigFireworks Is Now Blogging

I am pleased to announce that Big has added a blog to our website. There will be weekly contributions from James Stajos, Eric Stajos, Tom Norris and Mark Joesph. We will covering a wide range of topics that concern the fireworks industry.

I will be covering news and events in our company. Eric will mainly be dealing with new products, arrivals, design and packaging. Tom will be giving technical updates as to upgrades to our website, videos and ordering. Mark will give an outsiders perspective on the use of fireworks primarily.

We will be inviting you to submit blogs also, the blogs will be moderated. But we would love to hear your thoughts, comments, feedback and any input. We want to hear everything whether its positive or negative. Hopefully its more positive but its the only way that we can make things better.

Thank You, James Stajos

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