Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Michigan Fireworks Bill

FINALLY! Our long awaited bill (House Bill 5917) was introduced last Thursday in the Michigan House of Representatives by Representative Barb Farrah.

Here is a reminder on the process for a bill to become a law (in case you don’t remember the Saturday morning cartoon song).

Bill Introduction – DONE HB 5917 3/20/08
Referred to Committee – DONE (House Regulatory Reform Committee) 3/20/08
Committee Hearing(s)
Passed out of Committee
Voted on by full House
Moved to the Senate
Referred to Senate Committee
Committee Hearing(s)
Passed out of Committee
Voted on by full Senate
Returned to the House
Enrolled and presented to the Governor
Governor’s Signature or Veto

Robert Kennedy
Capitol Affairs, L.L.C.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
